Our CEO and co-founder, Matteo Cornaglia, speaks today about the future of New Approach Methodologies and how Nagi Bioscience is fulfilling this market need with our pioneer technology in an interview for Verve Ventures.
Some interview outtakes
Counting with a multidisciplinary team, Nagi Bioscience wants to make the SydLab System, the first lab device for fully automated substance testing on roundworms C. elegans, available to the market by the end of this year.
‘It’s a compact device that lab technicians can install on their workbench. Everything is automated, which means that a formerly manual and time-consuming process is done at throughput and standardization levels comparable to in vitro experiments.’ explains Matteo Cornaglia.
Speaking about the biological model C. elegans, he adds: ‘There are strains of C. elegans available for research that mimic human neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease, or ALS. Other applications of our technology that have been validated are developmental and reproductive toxicity testing.’
Having already validated the technology for more than a year collaborating with Bayer CropScience, Nagi’s technology is capable of tapping several markets, principally longevity research and toxicology testing.
Finally, after being asked about the future of Nagi, Matteo sees a bigger company with operations all over Europe and US mainly, but still with the vibrant and pleasant work dynamics always encouraging innovation. In his own words ‘We’ll have considerable R&D operations and explore the use of different biological models, we want to keep innovating.’

You can read the full interview here: