A virtual trip to the future: Nagi Bioscience in TechTour Future22
Being selected as a top leading European tech start-up, Nagi Bioscience will take part in the TechTour Future22 event presenting our revolutionary Organism-on-Chip technology on Friday 25th March at 14:30 CET.
After the 2021 TechTour event to level up investment and growth opportunities in the tech entrepreneur world, this year TechTour comes back with Future22, a sensational online event congregating start-ups and investors with the goal of pairing visions with actions in the digital, health and sustainability sectors.
Under the motto of tracking trends and innovation, the TechTour Future22 convention encompasses multiple successful stories of innovative start-ups, Nagi Bioscience among them. Being a winner of the Top TechTour Programme Awards 2021 in the health tech industry for outstanding pitching performance and technology relevance, Nagi has been selected to be part of Future22 where the top TechTour 2021 performers and most active investors will be brought together during the next three days.
After being challenged during last year’s edition by a panel of International Investor Reviewers and facing over 1.000 competing entrepreneurs, our pioneer Organism-on-Chip technology situated Nagi on the spot of the health tech segment leading the new era in biological testing and drug discovery. Today, as part of the exponentially expanding market of alternative testing methods, Nagi introduces the SydLab System: the first high-content screening system operating at the whole-organism level allowing substantial resource reduction in drug and substance development and assessment at an unprecedented speed and scalability.

Do not miss the opportunity to know more about our revolutionary technology this Friday 25th March at 14:30 CET where Nagi’s CEO and co-founder Matteo Cornaglia will be presenting in the ‘Drug Discovery, Testing & Diagnostics – Platform & Devices’ session at TechTour Future22.