Early toxicity assessment with SydLab One at SSPT Annual spring Meeting

pre-cinical testing

Nagi Bioscience presents the newly launched SydLab TM One for early toxicity assessment at the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT) Annual Meeting

Discover the data behind SydLabTM One and how you can unlock small organism testing at your lab SEAMLESSLY

SydLab TM One supports your research by providing unprecedented levels of scalability and reproducibility in a large variety of interest areas, highlighting the validated NAGITM Early Toxicity Assessment bioassays and NAGITM Lifespan Phenotypes bioassays.

Sponsor booth #1

Unlocking small organisms potential for any lab. Applications notes, product showcases and much more. Have a chat with us!

Poster #16ff

Robotic device for fully automated high-content screening on C. elegans as a novel NAMs platform for early toxicity assessment.

sydlabtm one universe

SydLabTM One combines Nagi Bioscience’s patented Organism-on-Chip microfluidic technology with cutting-edge robotics, machine learning and biology to automate the entire process of culture, treatment, imaging, and multi-phenotypic analysis of microorganisms. All in a single benchtop device.

SydLab One SSPT Characteristics early tox assessment

SydLabTM One does not stop there. It gets better:


  • Elimination of manual worms handling, culture, treatment and monitoring.
  • No manual protocols, more time for your research. Faster and better data points to top-up your results.


Thanks to the elimination of manual protocols, SydLabTM One achieves to extract unique readouts unlocking the full potential of C. elegans (microscopic nematode) as the powerful model organism that it is.


  • 1 experiment, 64 parallel conditions tested 
  • Fully automated treatment and analysis. 
  • High reproducibility of the analyzed phenotypes, including worms’ growth, reproduction and survival rate.

Perform innovative 3Rs assays getting whole-organism data

  • Bridge the gap between cell models and vertebrates testing in just a click.
  • Minimal user interaction required, great readouts.

SydLab One Early Toxicity Assessment

Meet SydLabtm One in bern 20th April at sspt annual meeting

Nagi Bioscience SSPT 2023 Booth Poster Toxicology Pharma instrument

Not in Bern next week? Meet SydLab One here

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